Finding God for Human Flourishing
Aaron Baer shares his journey from "sex and drugs" rebel to pro-faith and family public policy advocate. Because of love.
Finding Jesus, Loving People, A Film-Maker’s Journey
Award-winning filmmaker, Jason Jones, came to know Christ after he "was defenseless to save my child from violence" (of abortion). Often advocating for vulnerable [...]
Finding How God Restores People & Nations
Brilliant historian, William Federer, studies the rise and fall of civilizations. He often speaks of the unique American Experiment and how we can rediscover [...]
Finding God in the Inner City
After losing three sisters to drugs, and feeling other pains of the secular city, Beverly sought wisdom from God. She now leads other women [...]
Finding God in Loss, and Serving Persecuted Christians
Ellen Grigsby is known for her deep kindness and joy as she works with Open Doors USA and comes alongside those who are suffering. [...]